Funding Your Child’s Alternative Education

Parents who want to give their children non-traditional education may not always have the means or be aware of available funding that exists in their state. Many states have education choice friendly policies that provide funding for families. These options include Education Savings Accounts, also known as ESAs, Tax Credit Scholarships, and School Vouchers. Learn more about each of these options below. 

Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) are state-sponsored programs that allow parents to set aside money for their children's education. These accounts are similar to a health savings account, and the funds can be used for a wide range of education-related expenses, including private school tuition, tutoring, textbooks, and online courses. ESAs are funded by the state and are usually available to families who would otherwise attend public schools.

There are several limitations to the use of ESAs. First, ESAs may have restrictions on the types of education-related expenses that are covered. Second, some states may have funding limits that are lower than the actual cost of education, meaning that families may have to supplement the funds from their own pocket. Third, ESAs may not be available to all families, as eligibility requirements vary by state.

Tax Credit Scholarships are state-sponsored programs that provide scholarships to students to attend private schools. These scholarships are funded by corporations and individuals who receive a tax credit for their contribution. The amount of the scholarship varies depending on the state, and the funds can be used for private school tuition, textbooks, and other education-related expenses.

School vouchers are publicly-funded aid provided to parents to pay for their children’s education, typically for private or other non-public schools. The amount of the voucher can vary depending on the state and the program, but it is generally based on the amount of money the state spends per student in public schools. School vouchers give parents more control over their children’s education and enable them to find the school that best fits their children’s needs.

Parents can advocate for ESAs, tax credit scholarships, and school vouchers by educating themselves about the available programs available in their states and understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, and the amount of funding that is available. Parents can reach out to state legislators, policymakers, and education leaders to voice support for education funding options and attend public hearings and school board meetings to share their perspectives. They can also share their own stories about how funding options that give parents more choices have helped their families and communities.

Looking for funding information that’s relevant to your family’s needs?